Winnie the Pooh backdrop, Pink Winnie, vintage Winnie backdrop, winnie the Pooh decor, Classic Winnie the pooh babyshower, Classic bear

Regular price $150.00 Sale

Availability: Available Unavailable

This FABRIC 8x8 backdrop is the perfect setup for your vintage Winnie the Pooh shower. It's a picture perfect Pink Winnie baby shower or first birthday party backdrop. Fabric can be steamed To reduce wrinkles This is a high quality...

Product Type: Banner

Product Vendor: Hashtag Cutouts

Collection: All Products Baby Shower Banners Birthday

Tags: Baby Shower, Baby shower idea, Bear Classic, birthday, Vintage Winnie Decor, Winnie The Pooh backdrop

Product Details

This FABRIC 8x8 backdrop is the perfect setup for your vintage Winnie the Pooh shower. It's a picture perfect Pink Winnie baby shower or first birthday party backdrop.

Fabric can be steamed
To reduce wrinkles
This is a high quality item
This item is the fabric only.

If you request the stand we need to add the item.

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